Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is my very first post. The number one reason why I decided to start a blog and join this blog city, was because I have a wonderful friend that does blog here, and I really want to keep up with her life. So I thought what the Hey, this might be the best way not too miss anything.
I may just like Blogging, I have never done it before. Here I go !


  1. Welcome Zap!!! This is so exciting. Just "get er done". I will help as much as possible. When you want to post do just as you did to contact me. Just start talking and stick to posting, and soon you can post pictures. At first it will seem like no one is writing to you but you will build up a following. WELCOME and once you get the hang of it yolu will be yakking all the time and people will be answering.

  2. Lesley come to my site and bring my blog up and click follow. It is on the blog itself. That will hook us up so we are automaticly on the dashboard AND just have to click on that to get to each other. Click on my name here to get into my sight.

  3. You are doing fine, Lesley. It will be much easier, after a while. Email your friends that you have a blog. This blog can be read by anyone anywhere, as long as you make people aware of it.

  4. I don't think you must come here. I have written you and answered your blog. I just hope everything is ok.

  5. Just start talking and stick to posting, and soon you can post pictures. At first it will seem like no one is writing to you but you will build up a following. WELCOME and once you get the hang of it yolu will be yakking all the time and people will be answering. Work From Home
